Friday, March 26, 2010

Is this Love???

Today the most debatable topic that comes to our mind is the sweet wonderful relation of love. Love is a feeling which fills your life with glorious sunshine and brightens your very soul. It is an emotion which accepts even the harshest insults without comlaints and never demands anything in return. Love cannot be defined by specific criteria as its love if he/she behaves in a particular manner with you and its not if they behave otherwise. True love finds solace in the smile of the loved one even if it means he/she has to cry for the other's smile. Those who truly are in love find the achievements of him/her far more blissful than their own. Those who have to sacrifice their love or have been betrayed by their loved ones are acquainted with misery which is unbanishable though he/she expends his/her best efforts to drive it away. We comfort ourselves that atleast the other person is happy this way and try not to interfere in their happy life to end our misery. Love is an unconditional feeling, an unimaginable relation , an unparalleled emotion and an unforgettable experience.

Most teenagers cannot differentiate good friendship from love. True friendship also shares similar warmth in their relationship, but it stays within certain limits which are mutually known to us. Love takes the person for granted and leads to innumerable problems and strife unlike friendship which hurts no one and heals even broken hearts betrayed in love. Good friends are often mistaken that their intimate relation is love , this leads to countless problems and thousands of unshed tears leaving two highly confused people who no longer have the courage to try being freinds lest they lose control over their emotions and get entranced by the care and affection of the other. Friendship, if is led towards love by two innocent ignorant individuals, remember.. its a one way road. You either gain a wonderful lover or alternately and sadly lose a true friend..
I would like to cite a few quotes by famous personalities....
"A boy and a girl can never be friends forever" By William Shakespeare
"Friendship is the starting step for what we call love" By Abraham Lincoln
"Proposing a boy or girl for friendship is indirectly saying I LOVE YOU" By Wordsworth
"If one can become your best friend, then he or she can easily become your life partner" By Michael Jackson
Some people just realise their sweet relation is just eternal friendship.Those are true friends who will never break apart whatever may happen.

The common mistake done by teenagers is succumbing to peer pressure of having a girl friend or lover. Some take it as a status symbol and expend their energy and time trying to have a girl friend so as to fit in with their "Gang" of friends. This is a clear display of immaturity letting their hormones decide for themselves. This hormonal feeling labelled attraction is incomparable to love and those who have done this mistake can never forgive themselves in life and lead a sorrow filled life which has learnt by experience. Life is a pretty cruel thing as it tests us first and teaches a lesson afterwards.

So in short if you think you are in love take your time and decide before making a hasty decision.


  1. Idea for this article given by one of my best friends who prefers to remain anonymous!!!

  2. hey there jus testing the comments

  3. Oh now we all know who is she 😀
